Or Ben Baruch

Or Ben Baruch Singer song writer. Started his career on: “Star Is Born” on TV and became as one of the finalists. Staring as “Roger” on the musical: “Rent”.  Or releases several singles from his own music. Social Links Youtube Facebook Instagram Bandcamp Tiktok


Enosh Singer song writer. Started from an early age to perform with releases of singles from his own music. Social Links Youtube Facebook Instagram Bandcamp Tiktok

Shira Margalit

Shira Margalit Singer song writer. Started her career on the TV project: The Band and became one of the favorites. Released several singles that became hits on the radio. Social Links Youtube Facebook Instagram Bandcamp Tiktok

Yoni Roe

Yoni Roe Songwriter, composer and performer. Produced and musically managed Shlomi Shabbat’s successful album: “Because of the Spirit”. He composed dozens of big hits for Israeli artists, such as “Mess from you” for Omer Adam, “Frii Ganach” for Aviva Avidan. He was the musical director and host of the TV show: “In the Tavern” which […]

Kobi Oz

Kobi Oz “My longing for longing”, “Divine”, “Desperation of the poor”.Singer, producer, writer and composer. He started his career as a keyboard player in the band “Shefatim”, founded the successful band “Tipacks” in which he is the lead singer and writes many of their songs, produced and musically managed artists at the beginning of their […]

Fishi Ha-Gadol

Fishi Ha-Gadol “One more brother”, “Ash I loved”, “Politicals”Adam Ben Lavi, known as Fishy the Great, is an Israeli music producer and rap and hip hop singer. He created five solo albums and other collaborations with various artists such as Shabak S., Hadeg Nahash, Skazi, Tipax and more. Social Links Youtube Facebook

Mercedes Band

Mercedes Band An Israeli Funk – Rock bands. The name is a twisted version of the car company. Started their career in Jerusalem and became famous all over with several hits. Social Links Youtube Facebook Instagram

Miri Mesika

Miri Mesika “There”, “November”, “Come to you”, “Now you are coming back”, “King”A leading singer and actress in Israel. In 2005 she released her self-titled debut album which was a huge success and won Miri various titles on the radio stations: Singer of the Year, Taglit of the Year and Song of the Year: “Leshem”. […]

Miki Gavrielov

Miki Gavrielov “I see you on the way to the gymnasium”, “Whistle in the dark”, “Turkish coffee”, “Mother Earth”, “You and I will change the world”, “Chicken Chicken”.Musician, composer, songwriter and singer. One of the founders of the band “The Churchills”. Together with Eric Einstein, he created four joint albums with countless huge hits: “Go […]

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